Pediatric Cardiology Redux

History can be sketched out in several different ways. One method looks like a more or less straight line, each era moving forward inexorably before it gives way to the next, which continues with the same momentum. Or perhaps history inscribes a wheel, each epoch reenacting the same cycle. “All of this has happened before, … Continue reading

One Full Week of Newest Hale

This time last week, Christie was being wheeled into the OR & I was putting on my fashion-forward surgical gown & hat, not knowing whom I would get to meet. It’s been pretty crazy since then, but we’re thankful that our new baby boy is doing very well. He’s continuing to eat like a Hale, … Continue reading

In Company

On the wall of my study hangs a poster-sized picture of my confirmation class. It’s a game for my church members to come in & try to find sixth-grade-Josh. Not a hard game, actually. I keep it even though I can’t remember everyone’s name—it was a big class, and not everyone was a regular at … Continue reading

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Holy Week is a bit of an exercise in futility for some of us liturgically-minded pastors. While the Sanctuary may be full on Palm Sunday and overflowing at Easter, the empty pews at our midweek services beg for some attention. I urge my congregations yearly to appreciate the joy of Easter by attending to the … Continue reading

Collect for Spy Wednesday

Last Supper, Church of Saint Martin

A prayer for today’s Community Holy Week service at which I am serving as the liturgist, based on the lectionary reading (John 13:21-32). It’s called Spy Wednesday to remember Judas conspiring to betray Jesus. Glorious God, in your Incarnate Word you name the truth of our existence, and through the cross, Christ Jesus emancipates the … Continue reading

Joyfully Announcing the Great Mystery of God’s Salvation

Today’s daily meditation from Henri Nouwen seems most appropriate today. I share it with you: The Church is called to announce the Good News of Jesus to all people and all nations. Besides the many works of mercy by which the Church must make Jesus’ love visible, it must also joyfully announce the great mystery … Continue reading

On the Security of Appointment, the Judicial Council, & Being Clergy

I’m a lifelong United Methodist, an elder in my 8th year of service, and the new chair of my Conference Board of Ordained Ministry’s Conference Relations Committee. I spent a few days last week with other bright, passionate, warm, and capable conference BOM leaders at a training sponsored by GBHEM in Dallas where not a … Continue reading

JFK’s Houston Speeches Anniversary Today

For a Houstonian and Rice alum, today’s a big day in history, even more so in a presidential election year. It’s the anniversary of not one but two significant speeches by John F Kennedy, both given in Houston, Texas. Religion & Politics has the full text of Kennedy’s seminal speech on the relationship between faith … Continue reading

Blogging for Jesus

I missed the weekly #chsocm Twitter chat last night, but (par for the course) I learned greatly just by hearing after the fact from a variety of folks who are blogging. I’ve been a blogger since 2006, but a mediocre one. I’m a case study for Chris Brogan’s points in his Primer for Blogging, especially … Continue reading

The Christian as Leader

Leadership, leadership, leadership. We hear this mantra all the time, especially in the church. In fact, these 3 words were tweeted by Bishop Scott Jones on the opening night of General Conference 2012 as he reflected on the most important factors in United Methodist renewal. Though acknowledged as crucial, we might profitably ask, “What kind … Continue reading